MeteoShield | Helical Designed Solar Radiation Shield

For Air Temperature, Humidity & Barometric Pressure Sensor 

Barani Design’s MeteoShield is the right solution to Air Temperature measurement error. The Helical design of MeteoShield is a patent design and offers high accuracy benefits to your Air Temperature and humidity measurements. These sensors are easy to install and reduces dirt collection on sensor as compared to other shields in the market. Accepts sensors up to 20mm diameter.


MeteoShield comes in two variants:

MeteoShield Professional – Double Helix solar radiation shield

MeteoShield Standard – Single Helix solar radiation shield

Unique Features & Benefits

  • More accurate than multi-plate shields on windless days
  • Fastest recovery after rain of all passive radiation shields


  • More accurate than fan-aspirated shields in sun over snow
  • Keeps sensors clean and accuracy is not affected by dirt

Advantages of Helical Shape

1. Helical vortex keeps sensors clean

The Helical design forces heavier air particles like dirt, sand, snow and water be naturally away from the sensor, thus keep the sensor clean.

2. Vortex flow creates high accuracy by moving air

Vortex flow promotes fresh air movement to the sensor for superior accuracy in air temperature and humidity measurement.

3. Helix design traps dirt on the shield, not on the sensor

The Helix design of MetoShield keeps the sensor probe inside clean and hidden from sun. Also, it keeps away insects and spiders due to its ever-slopping surfaces.